Author & Illustrator

Here are some flash cards illustrated specifically for children with hearing loss. All of the characters in them have a hearing device whether it is a hearing aid or a cochlear implant device
I think children will appreciate being represented in flash cards they use, and may even connect more resulting in better learning
They are made in series of twos, and one series comes out every day on my Instagram page @mycochlearimplants
And every week they are assembled in groups of seven, and made available on this page in PDF format
Writing Journey
After having a child with hearing loss I was inspired to communicate with all children who have hearing loss. I wrote a book from my heart and hope it touches the hearts of children all over the world
I'm also illustrating flash cards whose main characters are children with hearing loss
Get in touch with me if you’ve got any comments, questions, suggestions, or just want to say hello. I’d be more than happy to hear from you.
"The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it."